Thank you so much for giving to the ongoing work of St Peter’s and we are hugely thankful for your trust and sacrificial giving.
It is the ongoing support of our church family which enables us to continue our vision to carry the love of Jesus to the heart of London.
For ways to give, please see below.
Standing Order
To set up or amend a standing order, log in to your online banking or visit your local bank with our bank details.
Account name: The Saint Peter’s Vauxhall Mission Initiative
Account number: 74980211
Sort code: 51-50-03
Reference: Giving
If you are a UK taxpayer, please fill out a Gift Aid Form to enable your donation to go further.
Online payment
We use the Parish Giving scheme (PGS) as a platform to receive all your kind donations. Your monthly or regular standing order and even one off donations can be set up through this platform.
To give just click below. If you are a UK taxpayer, please fill out a Gift Aid Form to enable your donaiton to go further.