the four.
Contemporary worship is led by our band, with bible teaching, prayer ministry. We run a Kids Group during the service (see below.)
Drinks afterwards.
The best way to find out more about our contemporary services before you come on a Sunday is to watch The Four on St Peter’s Online!
While we no longer provide online church, our services were filmed back in Lockdown and still provide a good window into the feel and format of the service on a Sunday. Check out this video.
Worship at the four
Worship at the four is led by our incredible worship team.
Would you like to get involved with worship at St Peter’s? Let us know! Go to our serving page.
Kids’ Group
At the start of the service, childen stay as we worship together as one family, before heading next door for craft, activities, bible stories, games and prayer. Followed by a meal!
Do you have a heart for Kids Ministry? We would love to hear from you! Go to our serving page.